Abdominal Liposuction

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Abdominal Liposuction

You can now get successful treatment for Abdominal Liposuction in Delhi at Enhance Clinics. Your abdomen is the most common area where liposuction is performed. Some of the factors that affect successful abdominal liposuction are the patient’s

  • age and sex,
  • the location
  • amount of abdominal fat
  • pregnancy history
  • history of tremendous weight loss and gain

One of the most important factors that are responsible for abdominal liposuction is past pregnancies because pregnancy stretches abdominal muscles, creating a bulge in the lower abdomen. Women who undergo a Pfannenstiel incision often experience a bulge of fat above their incision which can be removed through liposuction.

Location of the abdominal fat is important for determining the success of liposuction. Abdominal fat occurs in superficial and deep levels. Superficial fat which is located above the muscles of the abdomen and below the skin can be removed by this procedure. For successful liposuction, the age, storage and amount of fat play an important role to a large extent. The doctors at Enhance Clinics are highly experienced and have successfully worked on multiple cases. You can also visit the various branches of Enhance Clinics located in Delhi, Mumbai Kolkata, Dehradun, Lucknow, and Noida.

How Liposuction Surgery is Performed

During the liposuction surgery, a small 3-4 mm incision is made only a few inches away from the area through which the suction annular is inserted. To avoid a noticeable scar, the incision is made in the folds of the skin.

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