Hairline reconstruction is a surgical approach that helps to improve the appearance of the frontal hairline. While doing this surgery the patient's preferences are always kept in mind like hairline height, scalp laxity and many other important factors are considered while performing hairline reconstruction surgery.
The forehead is one of the prominent part of your face and consists of the frontal hairline. When a person enters his thirties they start losing this frontal hairline that makes hair look less dense and your forehead starts appearing bigger. Hence the look of your overall face becomes dull. You start needing the frontal hairline reconstruction. This surgery may vary from person to person and depends on two important factors: the size of your face and the size of your forehead.
The main reason behind the loss of hair from the front hairline is genetical, however, there might be other reasons for this problem appears mostly in people after their 30s. Hence the hair loss keeps progressing which makes your frontal hairline less dense with each passing year and it becomes important to go for hairline reconstruction surgery sooner. Enhance Clinics is providing Hairline Reconstruction Surgery in Delhi at an affordable cost.
The correct height of the frontal hairline is 7 to 8 CM or 3 inches over the eyebrow.
There should be a gap of four fingers over your eyebrows.
You should make an eyebrow wrinkle and the difference should just be two fingers.
The adult hairline is always a little higher than and the one in your teens or your adolescence, hence, the doctor should always take the right measures before treating you. Also for getting a natural appearance of your hairline the right angle of implantation also plays a very important role hence it is advised to get your head transplanted by only professionals and the ones who have years of experience in it.
The two important techniques for getting your hairline reconstruction surgery are follicular unit extraction or FUT
In this technique, your scalp is made Numb with the help of local anesthesia and the grafts are then extracted from your recipient area and implanted in your Donor areas. This technique doesn't cause pain or scar and you have a very small recovery time i.e. you recover really fast.
The extracted hair follicles are implanted one by one to the target areas which increases your chances of getting 100% natural results.
Various factors that could affect the result of hair restoration techniques are the ones that always consider the natural hair growth of the individual. You should always keep in mind the natural shape and angles of the temple of the client. Both males and females are different and have different hairlines hence it becomes very important to understand their hair loss pattern to provide them a full hair coverage. It is important to consider the look in 10 to 20 years as hair transplant surgery is a permanent and costly affair.
If you are in early stages of hair loss and have decided to repair your damaged scalp then you might even face a severe hair loss in future hence, before going for any surgery ask your doctor to study the pattern carefully and provide you a solution that would be long-lasting and would give you a denser look. If you fix your hairline low when you are younger than the hair growth becomes unnatural and may affect your overall personality hence before going for any hair transplant surgery you should check the credentials of the doctor and the clinic.
We are in the market from past 27 Years having a great experience delivering the satisfactory results.
HAIR TRANSPLANT - Discover the permanent & natural looking hair results.