Enhance Clinics Blog

Can Hair Loss really be Treated with Medication?

  • By: Enhance Clinic
  • 2022-04-05
Can Hair Loss really be Treated with Medication?

Many people, regardless of age and gender, experience hair loss at some stage in their lives, which can be frustrating. Fortunately, there are many hair loss treatment options available today, including medication. The best hair doctor in Delhi often recommends medication to help prevent further hair loss and possibly, even reverse it. In this article, we’ll look at the common medications for hair loss and how effective they are in treating the condition.

Medications for Hair Loss Treatment

● Minoxidil : Minoxidil is an over-the-counter medication for treating hair loss and pattern baldness in men and women. It is a topical formula available in 2% and 5% solutions and comes in foam, shampoo, and liquid forms.

Minoxidil stops hair from getting thinner by improving the supply of oxygen, nutrients, and blood to the scalp. It also shortens the resting phase of the hair growth cycle and stimulates new hair growth.

You should apply Minoxidil directly to the dry scalp once or twice a day. However, it is most useful in the early days of hair loss and needs at least 4 to 6 months of use to see results. Hair loss may reoccur if the treatment is stopped.

● Finasteride : Finasteride is a prescription-based medication for hair loss and pattern baldness in men. It is a pill that is consumed orally and can help slow down hair loss as well as trigger new growth.

Finasteride works by inhibiting an enzyme that converts testosterone to 5-dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the hormone responsible for hair loss. Suppressing this enzyme prevents excess DHT from affecting the follicles, thereby preventing thinning and loss of hair.

Finasteride should be taken once every day at the same time or as directed by the best hair clinic in Delhi. It takes about 4 months to show visible effects and is more effective in the early phases of hair loss. Discontinued use may cause hair loss to recur.

● Other Medications : If your hair loss is caused by an underlying disease, you may need to treat that first. Hair loss caused by autoimmune conditions like alopecia areata may require Corticosteroid medications. If a fungal infection such as scalp ringworm is responsible, you will need antifungal medication.

Hair Transplantation: Your Most Effective Option.

While medications can help slow down and prevent the loss of hair, they are only ideal in the early stages of hair loss.

A hair transplant is a popular hair loss treatment that offers permanent results. During a hair transplant, the surgeon transplants hair follicles from the donor area to the area most affected by hair loss. This procedure helps reverse severe hair loss and pattern baldness, helping you regain dense and healthy hair.


Effective hair loss treatment begins with finding the true cause of your hair loss. So, before you buy any medicines or products, you should consult a qualified and experienced dermatologist. The best hair doctor in Delhi will provide an accurate diagnosis and recommend the most suitable solution for you.

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